Resengo - Online table reservation system.
Everything for the perfect guest experience
Hospitality starts online. Attract the right guests to your restaurant, without additional effort. Allow them to make or amend reservations themselves, 24/7: entirely in your house-style and with immediate availability representation and confirmation.
You can easily set your preferences to how and when guests should be able to make their own reservations, With your visual table planning and reservations list, you are well prepared to a busy service, retain an overview and also you can register new requests, preferences and wishes, as easy as 1-2-3.
Annoncer & Resengo
A widely used reservation system for the restaurant sector. Works conveniently, quickly and powerfully. Given the clientele of Resengo and Annoncer, we are proud of the collaboration and reinforce the online hospitality, in combination with offline hospitality. Details from Resengo will appear Annoncer immediately, which will save you time, money and provide a new dimension in collaboration.