Custom solutions | Build in counter.
In-counter solution
So, the ultimate solution for open kitchens and counters requires a more subtle solution, just like the Restaurant ANG in the picture. Long story short, you will have to work with your architect and technical people to create two things basically:
- There is a space in the counter so you can lower the Annoncer Prestige screen to your liking; we would always advise keeping the screen slightly tilted for easier reading and touching.
- Something that matches the counter around the front of the screen to hide from the guest’s perspective
With any custom mounting solution, we would also recommend doing the following:
- Ensure the device can release its heat for cooling purposes
- Do not use excessive kit, etc.
- Ensure you can easily remove the screen should it need replacement
- Remember, we need power and a network connection.
Last suggestions:
- Inside the space you create, you could use our desktop mounting solution