Two great features in one update.

1 Time is on my side. Yes it is


Here it is. It took us a while to climb this mountain, but we are proud to finally present you the results: The Ticket Detail Report. As of version 23.2 of Annoncer Carolina Reaper, every Annoncer ticket can now be viewed near real-time in your MyAnnoncer portal. You can now see every aspect of a ticket, but most importantly we included a fully interactive timeline! Now you can see exactly what happened when, so you can analyze your performance; your highs and your lows.

With this new version of Annoncer, time really is on your side!





2 Use the course, Luke

The second new feature we are introducing is a configurable course timer! We received several requests to allow the course timer to show the time since the course was fired, or even since the previous course was served. You can now choose your own desired behavior by changing a new setting for the course timers in your MyAnnoncer portal.




Due to high demand, we will be rolling out this update in phases. Please contact our support department if you would like to update to this new version.